assessment, instruction, and practice that motivate students- Now enhanced with AI

Quizizz Join: Enter A Code And Play Game FREE

Know about the application

Introduction to Quizizz

Are you teacher? And you are looking for a tool to engage the students. Quizzes is online formative assessment tool. It allows quickly make assessment for the students in various subject areas. You can create lesson, conduct formative assessments, assign homework and have other interactions with your students.

What Is Quizizz And Why To Choose It?

This is that kind of question that can have multiple answer. Quizizz is a student engagement platform based on gamified. It allows the students to create, edit, and share fun interactive quizzes and lessons. Quizizz lets you to create your own classes and students and share game based quizzes with them.

Unlike traditional assessments, Quizizz transforms the learning experience into an interactive and enjoyable journey. It allows teachers to create quizzes, surveys, and polls that can be accessed by students at their own pace. This flexibility promotes active participation, ensuring that every learner has a chance to grasp the material thoroughly.

If you are a student or teacher and looking for to enhance your learning. Participating in quizzes can be exciting for the student and for those who want enhance their knowledge through Quizizz . By following these steps you can join Quizizz and boost your knowledge.

Signing Up

To start Quizizz journey, the first step is to sign up for an account. Click on Join Quizizz Button at the top and you will be directed. Click on the “Sign Up” button. You can choose to sign up with your Google or Microsoft account, making the process quick and hassle-free. If you prefer, you can also create an account using your email address.

Creating or Joining a Quiz

Once you’ve successfully signed up, it’s time to decide whether you want to create your own quiz or join an existing one. If you’re a teacher, creating a quiz allows you to tailor questions to suit your lesson plan. Students, on the other hand, can join quizzes created by their teachers or explore public quizzes on a variety of topics.

Quiz Dashboard Overview

The Quizizz dashboard is user-friendly and intuitive. If you’re creating a quiz, you can easily add questions, set time limits, and include media to enhance the learning experience. For those joining a quiz, simply enter the unique code provided by your teacher to access the quiz instantly.

How do I create a Quizizz game?

Creating a Quizizz game is a straightforward process. Here are the steps you need to follow:


Sign Up or Log In

First, you need to sign up for a Quizizz account or log in if you already have one.


Create a New Quiz

Once you’re logged in, click on the “Create” button on the top right of the dashboard. Then select “Quiz” from the dropdown menu.


Add Quiz Details

You’ll be asked to fill in details about the quiz like the title, description, and subject. You can also choose to make your quiz public or private.


Add Questions

Now you can start adding questions. For each question, you can add answer choices and select the correct one. You can also add images and a timer for each question.


Save and Share

Once you’re done adding questions, click “Finish Quiz”. Your quiz is now ready to be shared! You can share the quiz with your students using a game code or a link.

tips to win at Quizizz

Here are some tips that can lead you to win a Quizizz game:

  1. Understand the Rules: Before you start playing, make sure you understand how Quizizz works. Know how points are scored and what you need to do to win.
  2. Read Carefully: Make sure to read each question and all the answer options carefully before making a selection. A single word can change the meaning of a question.
  3. Speed Matters: The faster you answer, the more points you get. So, try to answer as quickly as you can but not at the expense of accuracy.
  4. Use Power-Ups: If the game has power-ups enabled, use them wisely. They can give you an edge over other players.
  5. Stay Focused: Try to minimize distractions while you’re playing. The more focused you are, the better you’ll do.
  6. Learn from Mistakes: If you get a question wrong, make sure to read and understand the correct answer. This can help you if a similar question comes up in the future.

What to Keep in Mind Joining Any Quiz At Any Platform

Follow the below instruction to perform best at any quiz:

How to join quizizz as a teacher
  • Go to Quizizz and at the top right section of the screen, select the sign up button.
  • You will be taken to the registration page where you will be required to enter your login details.
  • To sign up with your google mail address, you will need to choose the Gmail account.
  • After that another page will be open for you to choose an account or continue to quizizz.
  • The option will be available are school work or personal use.

  • Sign up or sign in to your active quizzes student account.
  • Click on the join page enter the Quizizz Join code shared by your teacher.
  • Type your name in the name box.
  • Wait the instructions by your teacher and start the quiz.
  • Do carefully to maximize your score.

Click on the Below button and join the interactive quizzes journey:

Quizizz And The SAMR Model

The SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and redefinition) model was created to share a common language across discipline as teachers strive to personalize learning and help students visualize complex concept.

Here is an example of how Quizizz fit with SAMR model:


Students can take an online quiz on Quizzes rather than a piece of paper.


The students are able to review their responses immediately while still fresh in their minds rather ten waiting grades from the teacher


As they take the quiz, the students can see how their responses compare to the rest of the class.


 Review of the teacher and trends in the class data (in which questions, students took problem and which question the most students got
wrong) and uses these results to determine which topics need further attention.

Why is Quizizz Valuable in Education?

One tool becoming more valuable in education especially in education is Quizizz. They are helping teacher in these field:

  • Check Understanding: Quizzes should be used to reinforce and check understanding. It is used after cover the concept to evaluate the student.
  • Assessment of knowledge: Quizizz are commonly used in education to access the students what students have learned.
  • Provide Immediate Feedback: It also provide immediate feedback of students. The students gets immediate feedback by the teacher rather than waiting for grades.
  • Concentration: When you are playing a quiz you have to keep in your mind on what you are doing. This means quizizz do help children to concentrate. Reading from textbooks often fails to grab our attention.
  • Quizzes Are Fun: Most of children consider that Quizzes are fun. It should be sum up by these words, practice that feels like play of all the online education sites, most make uses this application as a way to make learning fun.
  • Build Confidence: Imagine, the first time you play a quiz game and you get 4 score out of 10. So, next time you try to remember the answer and this time you will get 8 score out of 10. The more you play quizzes the more you know. Looking back over online quiz records and you will see how much you have improved. It will improve your confidence, to know that you are progressing.

What People Say About Quizizz

4.96 Star
Review Average!
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5 star rating
“As a high school teacher, Quizizz has been a game-changer in my classroom. My students are not only learning effectively but also having a blast while doing so.”
Jessica Thompson
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
“Quizizz is a lifesaver for my college courses. The ability to join quizzes on my own time has made studying more flexible and enjoyable. I highly recommend it to fellow students.”
Alicia Rodriguez
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
“The progress tracking on Quizizz is invaluable. It helps me understand where I need improvement and allows my teacher to provide targeted support. A must-have tool for any student serious about their education.”
Ryan Mitchell

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! Quizizz is a versatile platform that accommodates various subjects, including but not limited to science, mathematics, history, and even languages. Teachers can create quizzes that align with their curriculum, while students can explore quizzes on a wide range of topics.

Yes, Quizizz is suitable for learners of all ages. Whether you’re an elementary school student or a college student, the platform offers quizzes that suit different educational levels.

Quizizz provides detailed reports on your performance. After completing a quiz, you can review your answers, see where you excelled, and identify areas that may need improvement.

To enhance interactivity, Quizizz offers options such as memes and music that can be added to questions. Teachers can use these features to create a lively and engaging atmosphere during quizzes.

Absolutely! Quizizz is designed to be accessible on various devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones.


Joining quizizz on your own, is a fantastic way to engage the students in learning process. Quizizz help students to know what they know and what they do not know. It also help the students with concentration identify the gaps of the knowledge. By choosing the right platform, setting personal goals, and embracing the diverse range of quizzes available, you can turn your solo quizzing adventure into a fulfilling and enriching experience. So, get ready to embark a journey of knowledge and enjoyment as you tackle quizzes independently. This will improve your knowledge.